Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
NameJohn Skinner
DeathReigate, Surrey
Notes for John Skinner
In the 1530-1623 Surrey Visitation, p. 59, there is a family of Skiiners of Reigate, five generations of them, all with the first name of John and only the last is dsp.  It is highly likely that one of the four remaining JSs is this man, but which...
The fourth John Skynner is down as dying in 1569 so this does not seem likely as his son-in-law died in 1537.
Probably this rules out the third John Skinner too, for the same reason.
This leaves the "John Skinner of Rigate" who married Joane, heir of Richard Caldecott of Rigate and his son "John Skinner of Rigate and of Hauering in the Bower in Essex Clarke of the green cloth" who married an unknown second wife.
And the Visitation managed to leave out the Skinner arms...
Last Modified 13 Jun 2005Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220