Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Powys-Lybbe Forbears - Person Sheet
Deathca Jul 1642
GeneralGent; of Horne Church, Essex
FatherHumphrey Slaney (-ca1645)
Notes for John Slaney
Mentioned in the will of his uncle John Slany.

Died c.July 1642 and made a will on 16 Feb 1640, proved by his father Humfrey on 21 July 1642:

Weak in body.
I have formerly at my own cost built upon my father's lands the Wash house and dairy house with the several rooms in the same building and the barns and stables in the poultry yars and the brickwall adjoining to the hosue and gardenbs wherein I dwell and also planted one orchard in the grounds to the same belonging and inclosed the same in full satisfaction of all such sum and sums of money as over and above such monies as I formerly have expended about these buildings I shall at the time of my decease remain indebted to my father.  I give to my said father HumFREY SLANY and his heirs for ever all those my Marish lands called Long Slype and Reede March in Raynham co. Essex containing about 12 acres now amongst other lands in the tenure of one GEORGE ANDREWS and also the Messuage and lands in Rayneham afsd. late in the tenure of one HUGH HUDSON and now in the tenure of THOMAS LITTLE which i with my said father purchased with my own money of one GREGORY FRITH and others for #300.  I also give to my said father HUMFREY SLANY all my right title and interest and term of years which I have in divers lands and tenements in Rayneham aforesaid which were the third part of my cousin Richard Slany and which I have from him by lease for divers years to come which is worth #30 per ann more that the rent thereby reserved.
To my son HUMFRY SLANY and my daughter DOROTHY SLANY all that parcel of ground situate in the West Fen co. Lincoln called Barrets containing 100 acres with a house thereon lately built and the parcel of groun in East Fen in said co. Lincoln called Barrets, containing about 100 acres to hold to the said HUMFRY SLANY my son and DOROTHY SLANY my daughter and their heirs and assignees for ever.
Whereas I am indebted to several persons in several sums of money entered in a schedule under my handremaining with my said will which I desire may be satisifed with as much speed as may be and in case my personal estate shall for [fall?] short in the payment of my debts then I will and devise all that my messuage or tenement in Horne Church aforesaid in the tenure of WILLIAM GRIFFITH gent with the yards etc to the same belonging to be sold for the full payment of all my debts and what sum or sums remaining to be paid to my wife DOROTHY SLANY.  If my personal estate by sufficient to pay my debts then i give my siad house in the tenure of WILLIAM GRIFFITH to my said wife DOROTHY for her life and after her decease to my said son HUMFRY and my said daughter DOROTHY and their heirs and assignees for ever.
I appoint my father Mr Humfrey Slany and my brother Mr MILES CORBETT Executors to see my children brought up in the fear of God.
Arms Generally notes for John Slaney
1634 visitation:
: Gules a bend between three martlets or.
Crest: A griffin's head proper, wings endorsed or, beaked of the last.
Last Modified 13 Jun 2005Created 14 May 2022 by Tim Powys-Lybbe
Re-created by Tim Powys-Lybbe on 14 May 20220